The film stars Rajinikanth as Shreethakumaran Sreesanth, the son of a Tamil actress. He is the illegitimate son of the actress Premalatha. Premalatha was killed in a plane crash by the NRI and his lover Dattatraya, whom he loved. Rajinikanth was adopted by the Sreesanth family and after his parents' death, Shreethakumaran became a member of the family. Rajinikanth had grown up in the shadow of his parents, but he had the same charm and beauty like his parents and was destined to be the most beautiful actor of this century. There are some remarkable performances by Rajinikanth in the film that have made him a star. His character of Shreethakumaran is highly unconventional. Rajinikanth is played by a mute and has only two lines in the film. He is portrayed as a man of mystery and many admirers are willing to watch him as an actor as his performance is outstanding. As a character, Shreekumaran has no past, no background and no present. The only thing he knows about his past is the leg...
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